Fulkopir Vada is a popular Bengali recipe. Let’s learn how to prepare/make Fulkopir Vada Recipe.
Difficulty: Easy
Recipe Type: Veg.
- 1 Cauliflower
- 1 cup Besan
- 1 tsp Oil
- 1/2 tsp Chili powder
- 1/2 tsp Poppy Seeds
- Oil for frying (deep)
- Salt to taste
Let’s prepare/make Fulkopir Vada:
- Cut the cauliflower into small pieces.
- To make the pieces soft, boil in water heated in a pan.
- Mix 1 tsp oil and besan in a large bowl and mix well.
- Add little water and prepare batter with solid constancy.
- Add poppy seeds, chili powder and salt.
- Punch the batter properly.
- Wet softened cauliflower pieces into the batter.
- Deep-fry in oil.
- Remove from the burner and now Fulkopir Vada is ready to serve.